OK. I've escaped from L.A.
Well, Orange County to be exact.
Yes, it's true. After 4+ years, I'm back in the Eastern time zone. And loving every minute of it - just 3 hours earlier. As of June 3rd, 2006, I am a proud resident of Bristol, CT.
For those of you here on the east coast; fair warning - I'm baa-aaack.
For those of you on the west coast; fair warning - I'll be back. To visit. I miss In 'n Out Burger already.
For those of you in the UK; fair warning - I'm now only 5 hours from Heathrow. Let the duty-free shopping commence.
I am truly in a different world here - no stucco or palm trees in sight. Maple trees all around and a backyard full of fireflies at night. Heaven. Well, Heaven with wicked sales tax and no alcohol sales on Sunday, but you can't have everything.
It's Blue State Bliss for me.
Now, whatthefuck's with the "nutmeg" thing?